My statement- the theme that connects all of my projects together is the color blue.
My Projects-
  • tea pot
  • cups
  • bowls 
  • plate
  • sugar pot     
How they are made-
  •  All my projects are all made on the wheel. The projects that are only have a single part are thrown in one day, the projects that have more then one part usually take two days.
  • They then go into the bisk takes two days to fire.
  • Then they are glazed and put in the kiln for one more day.
My theme-
        As I stated earlier my theme is pretty simple, all of my projects have blue incorporated into them in some way.
My theme is blue and white. My projects are all glazed in blue and or white. I like the way the glaze looks on the projects by having all my projects match it gives my creations unity and make them a set.