I tied to have my projects to be pretty and also something use. I never make any thing that I will not use. I like to see my projects being used in evey day life.
-What the projects are
   *Most of my pecices are cups and bowls
    *They all has intersting glazes or some other charictistics
- How they are made
    *All of my projects are thrown in one day on the wheel 
    *After it dries over night I foot it
    *Once my projects have dried the rest of the way it goes on the disk self
    * After its done being disked I glaze it
    * I genrally glaze my projects with more then one color
    * Fist I dip on end and let it dry then I glaze the other side
    * If I do not use more than one glaze it is because it has other charistrists 
    * I have also used glass to enhanse my projects
    *My projects can be used in evey day life
    * They are not ment to just sit there and look at
    *intriging glazes or chaeristics

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